
Since Alan Adler invented Aeropress (2005 – USA), it has quickly gained popularity for the unique flavor that gives us when we brew coffee. Full body flavors with intense aromas and long lasting aftertaste. Aeropress is so easy to use and clean. It is based on the mechanics of French Press and also, by using paper filter and a rubber seal the result is an excellent extraction. Have you tried it? If not, think again!
Aeropress Brewer
Paper filter
Light roasted coffee
Grinder (or grounded coffee)
Stirrer (optional)
Grind 17gr of light roasted coffee (Aeropress full spoon) as fine as table salt
Insert the paper filter into the plastic basket and pre wet it with hot water for almost 5 seconds, in order to get rid of any paper filter taste and warm up everything.
Assemble your Aeropress. Check that everything is dry.
Place the basket to the bottom of the chamber and affix it on the top of server. Place them in the scale and insert the coffee.
Zero the scale, start the timer and pour 34gr of hot water (92C). Stir 3 times with a stick/spoon and wait for 30 seconds. Make sure that all the coffee grounds are saturated.
Then, pour water up to 200gr. Stir again 3 times.
At 1:30, place the plunger back on and gently press down. When you hear the air coming out with a sound, stop pressing.
Clean everything, serve into a cup and enjoy!
For by pass recipe, follow the same steps, but use 30gr of coffee with 100 gr of water and then use by pass 100gr of water more into the final cup. Stir well and enjoy!