
Chemex was invented by the chemist, Peter Schlumbohm, in Chicago USA in 1941. Soon (1943), won a place at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and was selected by the Illinois Institute of Technology as one of the 100 best designed products of the modern area. It is made of bio silicate glass with a simple wooden collar and can be covered and refrigerated for reheating without losing flavor and will not absorb chemical residues. Also, because of the cone-shaped paper filter made only for Chemex use, you can achieve a slow brewing process with coarser grinding size which has as a result a clean cup, without bitter elements.
Chemex Coffee Maker
Chemex Paper Filter
Coffee (30gr)
Hot Water (93ºC)
Stirring Tool (optional)
Boil your water at 93o Grind your coffee at medium to coarse setting. Place the paper filter at the top of the Chemex. Pre wet the filter with hot water to dispel the paper flavor and empty carefully the water from inside.
Add 30gr of coffee (about 5 tablespoons of coffee ground), distribute the coffee in the center by giving the Chemex a gentle nudge and tare your scale.
Start the timer and begin your pour with 60gr of water. You must cover all the coffee grounds and wait for 30 seconds, in order to degas your coffee and achieve a better flavor in the final cup.
At 00:30, start the second pour until 160gr and wait for 30 seconds again. Keep brewing likewise, every 30 seconds add another 100gr of water in a circular motion until your scale reaches 500gr.
Around 3:30 and 4:30, your brew should be close to finish. Check if your coffee bed is flat and try to be always consistent to avoid an over – under extraction.
Swirl well the Chemex to cool down your coffee and then serve. Cheers!
About paper filter, singe fold away from the spout and multiple folds lined up against the spout.
Be sure that paper filter will stick to the sides of the glass.
If you see dry clumps in your coffee bloom (step 3 – first pour), use a spoon to stir.
Do not drain the paper filter inside the Chemex!